A few years ago if you told RØRY she would be headlining Rock City she probably wouldn't have believed you. But here we are with a packed out room all screaming her name and singing her words back to her.

The night was opened by the absolutely incredible Lake Malice, a band I discovered just a couple of years ago, but what a band they are. The energy from start to finish, Blake pacing up and down the stage, high kicks and high jumps while Alice delivers some of my favourite live vocals. 
The band always know how to put on high energy fast paced performances and an opening slot was no different for these and not long into their set starting Blake walked round into the middle of the pit while Alice told the crowd to form a circle pit around her fellow Malice. 
If you are yet to see or even listen to this band you need to get on board because before long they're going to be in huge venues and high up main stages of festivals. 
Next up was As December Falls, a band I forever keep meaning to catch and always end up missing for one reason or another. An incredible follow up after such a big start to the night and they definitely kept pace. 
After the first song a fan handed over a small teddy to Bethany who couldn't take the smile off her face and asked if she would receive one after each song.
The band certainly knew how to keep the crowd engaged through big hooks and their masterclass of combining angry pop with heavy metal-like riffs. The Nottingham fans certainly showed their love to the home grown band and what a feeling it must be having a full Rock City singing your lyrics back.

Now time for the headline act. A show where you are definitely going to feel every kind of emotion as RØRY is known for her powerful lyrics about her addiction struggles, her mental health, losing her mum and how she coped with all of these things. 
The journey she has had these last few years are absolutely crazy, becoming such a Loud voice for neurodivergants across the country. Her big smile often shining through as well as visibly seeing how much this all meant to her. 
opening the night with "In The Bible" you could just sense the night was going to be full of emotions and a journey through RØRY's healing and her struggles. 
She is without a doubt one of the strongest performers I have seen and one that truly has a connection to her fanbase who watch her daily online but also know how hard she has fought to get to where she is now.
as the night goes on we are treated to "Help Your Friends Get Sober" "My Funeral Song" and "Alternative" 
The energy in the room and on the stage was so incredibly high and I am so happy I got to witness something that felt so special and seeing how the fans reacted to each moment of the night.
There will continue to be such a huge future for RØRY and I cannot wait to see where it leads to. She has done herself, her family and all of her fans so proud of what she has achieved and overcome. She is the perfect story of never giving up on your dreams.
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